A Typical Saturday In My Life + Quick Nail Update

Today  has been a pretty good day.

This morning, I woke up pretty late and then went to a meeting for a program that I’m in, the Yuri Kochiyama High School Leadership Program. There was a guest speaker today, a lady named Frances Kai-Hwa Wang, who talked about Asian-Americans and stepping outside Asian stereotypes and becoming “Badass.” hehe

Her blog is http://www.franceskaihwawang.blogspot.com, it’s all pretty fascinating. And being Asian-American myself, I could really relate to stuff she said. Example: She mentioned how Asians take off their shoes when inside and others don’t.

After that, I went with a friend do interview some people. We’re doing a project in my APES class on dirt roads and their effects on local air pollution (they spread a LOT of dirt), so we went to some houses on various dirt roads to ask their owners some questions. Out of the houses that actually answered their doors (about 7 out of the 20 to 30ish that we knocked on), the people were really cool to talk to. Operation Success!

And just for the heck of it, here’s a picture of a dirt road. Isn’t the background super pretty? It kinda almost looks photoshopped!

Pretty Dirt Road :D

Pretty Dirt Road 😀

That was about 1.5 hours. Now I’m at home and I just finished mixing up a batch of sugar cookies. They’re yummy. My baking tray, about to be put into the 375 degree oven:

Raw Cookies...yummy!

Raw Cookies…yummy!

Ignore the weird bumps on every one of them. I had some extra dough at the end, but not enough (nor enough space!) to make another one, so I just awkwardly attached some dough on the top of each cookie.

My dad’s currently in the process of making dinner. Our kitchen is pretty messy right now:

Our Kitchen

Our Kitchen

But the food he’s making is going to be super yummy!! Yay!! 😀 Wow, this post is very food oriented…hm….

ANYWAYS, this blog is supposed to be about nails and nail polish. So maybe I should update y’all on my nails. I’m still wearing the strawberry nails from a few days ago, but I’m going to change them up tomorrow, or maybe today. The strawberries are holding up pretty well though! Here’s what they look like right now:

Strawberries On My Nails!!

Strawberries On My Nails!!

You can see some gaps between the polish and my cuticle. That’s the nail growth over the past few days. And there’s some tip wear, especially on my ring finger. And a tiny chip on my pointer finger on the far right. But overall, everything’s still looking pretty good!



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